Polar Pathways: Robert E. Peary's Arctic Expeditions

1906- Polar Ice Pack: Tea on the Ice


 ice field ice pack arctic peary
The icy arctic landscape

“March 6th I left Point Moss and headed northward from the land over the Polar pack… The going was good at first though our trail was tortuous, but later became extremely arduous… Two sledges were considerably damaged by the day’s work. My supper and breakfast of tea and raw, frozen musk-ox steak were more than enjoyable.”- Robert E. Peary in Nearest the Pole, published in 1907

"Ice Pack " by Donald B. MacMillan, 1939, Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum Collections

« Point Moss  |   1906 Map  |   March 8th, 1906 »

Bowdoin College