Polar Pathways: Robert E. Peary's Arctic Expeditions

1906- Cape Sheridan: The Start


 ice ship peary arctic
Iced-in at Cape Sheridan, the Roosevelt rests in the distance

“On February 19th, Captain Bartlett left finally for Cape Hecla. Marvin and party followed the next day, Dr. Wolf and his party the next, and I two days later... Three marches brought me to Cape Hecla, where the entire outfit was assembled. Our encampment comprised Captain Bartlett, Dr. Wolf, Marvin, Henson, Clark and Ryan, myself and twenty-one Eskimos with 120 dogs—the personnel for one main and five or six division parties, which according to my programme I hoped would be able to advance supplies and maintain communication to a base as high as Abruzzi’s 'Farthest' for my final point of departure.”- Robert E. Peary in Nearest the Pole, published in 1907

"Cape Sheridan and the Polar Ocean "by Robert E. Peary 1906, Nearest the Pole Doubleday, Page, and Company: New York, 1907.

|   1906 Map  |   Point Moss »

Bowdoin College