Polar Pathways: Robert E. Peary's Arctic Expeditions

1908- Etah: The Last Link

 husky roosevelt walrus
The dogs of the Roosevelt eagerly eyeing a walrus carcass

“On August 11 the Erik reached Etah, where the Roosevelt was awaiting her. The dogs were landed on an island, the Roosevelt was washed, the boilers were blown down and filled with fresh water, the furnaces cleaned, and the cargo overhauled and re-stowed to put the vessel in fighting trim for her coming encounter with the ice… We parted company from the Erik and steamed north on the 18th of August, an intensely disagreeable day, with driving snow and rain, and a cutting wind from the southeast which made the sea very rough. As the two ships separated, they signaled "good-by and good luck" with the whistles, and our last link with civilization was broken.” – Robert E. Peary in The North Pole, published in 1910

"Our decks were a mess" 1908-1909, Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum Collections

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